

Marya Roland is director of Artipants Yogipants art studio, the home of screaming QUIET art. Somehow art, Ashtanga yoga, spirituality, politics, travel, and daily living—always a part of her life, merged, and the self-selected label of creative activist seems wide enough to fit for now. Trained as a sculptor (MFA University of Washington) and as an art historian, she graduated from University of California, Berkeley and, after a year in Japan as a UC Education Abroad student, left art history studies to live in Nepal and India. She has exhibited in places as near as Atlanta and as far as Hong Kong and taught art/sculpture in academia in Vermont, Illinois, and North Carolina.

“Whether ready-made or hand-made, I believe materials and objects have strong intrinsic qualities. From digital to bronze—I seek the appropriate materials to give form to what’s in my heart/mind.  My current focus is art that tweaks the ordinary and inspires thought. I often create subtle changes in a piece and am comfortable that some works might be overlooked as mundane fixtures of our daily lives. The placed bottles in 360 Circle Project and the altered copy of Proust's "Swann's Way" in USED may wait quietly—for a day, for years or even forever—to be opened.“

May 2019

resumé page link

websites past and present

360 CIRCLE PROJECT: collaboration with artist Diane Nushida-Tokuno in which message-bottles have been placed around the world

Catholicity: curated with artist Kelly Popoff. virtual exhibition with experience of Catholicism from various perspectives

TEN TRYING DAYS: digital diary dealing with #45. images of digital and hard copy (with collage) in recent work and this site https://tentryingdays.blogspot.com

SIXTYNI-YOGINI: meditations on art, yoga, politics, and everything else http://60niyogini.blogspot.com

